Exploring Standard Configuration Techniques in Flutter Development

Mobterest Studio
3 min readApr 4, 2024


writing configuration in flutter

Configuration is a crucial aspect of mobile app development, determining how an application behaves across different environments and settings. In Flutter, a popular framework for building cross-platform mobile applications, there are several standard techniques for managing configuration effectively. In this article, we’ll delve into these techniques, exploring their benefits, use cases, and implementation strategies.

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Constants Class

One of the simplest and most commonly used approaches is to define a class containing constants that represent configuration values. These constants can include API endpoints, keys, feature flags, and more. By encapsulating configuration within a dedicated class, developers can easily access and manage these values throughout the app.

class AppConfig {
static const String apiUrl = 'https://api.example.com';
static const String apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';

Using the constants:

import 'config.dart';

String apiUrl = AppConfig.apiUrl;
String apiKey = AppConfig.apiKey;

This technique is straightforward and works well for small to medium-sized projects. However, it may become cumbersome to maintain as the app scales and the number of configuration variables grows.

Environment-specific Configuration

In many cases, an app needs to behave differently based on the environment it’s running in (e.g., development, staging, production). Flutter supports environment-specific configuration through the use of Dart build flavors and environment variables.

To learn more on creating flavors in Flutter, head over here.

You can create separate configuration files for each environment and access them based on the active flavor during build time.

JSON Configuration Files

For more complex configurations or when flexibility is required, using JSON files can be a convenient option. You can define configuration values in JSON format and load them into your app as needed.

// config.json
"apiUrl": "https://api.example.com",
"apiKey": "YOUR_API_KEY"
import 'dart:convert';

class AppConfig {
final String apiUrl;
final String apiKey;

AppConfig({required this.apiUrl, required this.apiKey});

factory AppConfig.fromJson(String jsonString) {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = json.decode(jsonString);
return AppConfig(
apiUrl: data['apiUrl'],
apiKey: data['apiKey'],


import 'config.dart';

String jsonString = ...; // Read JSON configuration file
AppConfig config = AppConfig.fromJson(jsonString);

String apiUrl = config.apiUrl;
String apiKey = config.apiKey;

Dependency Injection

For more advanced scenarios, such as dynamic configuration updates or testability, dependency injection (DI) frameworks like get_it or provider can be used. With DI, configuration values are injected into the components that need them, allowing for easier testing and maintenance.

import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';

final getIt = GetIt.instance;

void setupDependencies() {
AppConfig(apiUrl: 'https://api.example.com', apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY'),

// Usage
String apiUrl = getIt<AppConfig>().apiUrl;
String apiKey = getIt<AppConfig>().apiKey;

In Flutter development, effective configuration management is essential for building robust and adaptable apps. By leveraging techniques such as constants classes, environment-specific configurations, JSON files, and dependency injection, developers can streamline the configuration process and ensure their apps are well-equipped to handle diverse environments and use cases. Experiment with these approaches to find the best fit for your project’s requirements and scale.

Happy coding!

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