Codable in Swift: Simplifying Data Encoding and Decoding

Mobterest Studio
2 min readJul 18, 2023


Codable in Swift: Simplifying Data Encoding and Decoding

In Swift, Codable is a protocol that combines the functionalities of two other protocols: Encodable and Decodable. It is used to easily convert Swift objects to and from external representations, such as JSON or property lists, making it simpler to encode and decode data.

Photo by Danial Igdery on Unsplash

The Codable protocol provides a convenient way to serialize and deserialize Swift objects, allowing them to be easily stored in various formats or transmitted over a network. By conforming to the Codable protocol, you can automatically generate the necessary encoding and decoding logic for your custom types.

The Encodable protocol defines the encoding functionality, allowing an object to be converted into an external representation. It requires implementing a single method, encode(to:), which encodes the object's properties into a specific format.

The Decodable protocol, on the other hand, handles the decoding functionality. It requires implementing an initializer that takes in a Decoder instance and decodes the object’s properties from the provided representation.

When a type conforms to Codable, it gains automatic support for encoding and decoding, making it easy to convert instances of that type to and from various formats without having to manually implement the encoding and decoding logic.

Here’s an example of a simple struct conforming to Codable:

struct Person: Codable {
let name: String
let age: Int

With the above definition, you can easily encode and decode instances of the Person struct using JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder, respectively:

let person = Person(name: "John Doe", age: 30)

// Encoding to JSON data
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
if let encodedData = try? encoder.encode(person) {
// Do something with the encoded data

// Decoding from JSON data
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
if let decodedPerson = try? decoder.decode(Person.self, from: jsonData) {
// Use the decoded person object

By leveraging the Codable protocol, you can streamline the process of converting your Swift objects to and from different representations, saving you time and effort when working with external data sources or persistence mechanisms. Have you used Codable?

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